Dictation of Ideas Pt. 1 This is a slightly strange and impromptu experiment on dictating and recording thoughts and writing them down later. Picture this: I’m just walking along minding my own business when a novel new idea pops into my head. I proceed to follow the initial idea down a massive train of thought, jumping from one idea to the n... Read more
In photography, there’s a term called the golden hour right before the Sun sets or rises. During this time, the sky turns a soft, glowing hue of red and pink and the world briefly becomes a bit more beautiful. Here are some pictures of this time. Looking out towards the pier. A couple of locals kayaking. A handprint on the marbled stone... Read more
The arrival of the internet means that, for possibly the first time in human history, knowledge is in overabundance for the average person. There is far, far more good, quality content being produced that one could physically or mentally consume in their lifetime, even if that was their sole purpose in life. As knowledge-seeking individuals... Read more
Quick post: found this weird, delightful Russian electronic album on Hype Machine just now, loving it so far! Read more
One of those rare songs that doesn’t particularly stand out at first, but then grabs you by the collar in a single smooth, slow motion and demands your ears. This one has a particular night-cruise feel about it. Read more